Vladimir Arsenijević to Participate in Debate in Berlin

On September 1st, Vladimir Arsenijević will participate in a debate held at Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Berlin.

This event is part of the ceremony for the Aachen Peace Prize awarded to the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia. The debate will bring together key figures from Serbian civil society, including Sofija Todorović and Mila Pajić.

During this event, Arsenijević, alongside Boris Mijatović from Alliance 90 / The Greens, will examine how the Serbian civil sector is responding to increasing pressure and violence. The discussion will be moderated by Milan Bogdanović from Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Nataša Govedarica from ForumZFD.

One of the main topics will be the ban on the “Mirëdita, dobar dan!” festival, which has long been advancing Serbia-Kosovo relations through its cultural program. The debate will also address current challenges and strategies for preserving human rights and democracy.