Another award for Asymmetry

The Sydney World Film Festival had a digital edition this year, and the best feature film award went to Asymmetry by Maša Nešković, as reported by the Film Center of Serbia. A double edition of the festival is planned for next year, at which all films from this year’s selection[…]

Promocija knjige “Ka granici” Vladimira Arsenijevića

Nedavno objavljeni roman “Ka granici”, treći deo ciklusa “Cloaca Maxima – sapunska opera”, ujedno je jedanaesta knjiga Vladimira Arsenijevića u spisateljskoj karijeri dugoj gotovo četvrt veka. O svom stvaralaštvu, o tome kako je nakon pune dve decenije vratiti se ostavljenoj književnoj građi, o odnosu forme i sadržaja, pitanjima savremenosti i[…]

The new edition of the composite novel “Predator”!

The new edition of the composite novel “Predator” originally published in 2008 will soon be out! I am afraid that the times completely justified its’ bleak vision of the world of heightened mobility and columns of political and economisal refugees and migrants which are crossing the globe in their eternal[…]

BOOK REVIEW: FLIGHT by Vladimir Arsenijević

Flying High and Falling Low: The Longevity of the Happiness of Love Book Review: Flight by Vladimir Arsenijevic (published by Algoritam, Zagreb) / by Dalibor Plečić I have long been awaiting that chance to grab hold of the last novel by Vladimir Arsenijevic, and that abstractly-defined time of waiting seemed[…]


The Month of Dying The New Yorker, January 15, 1996 P. 64 I. MY DRUG-DEALER WIFE. The narrator’s wife, Angela, when he first met her in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1990, had a fiance in a Switzerland prison. All her friends were drug-dealers and the narrator’s friends used their services. Angela[…]


The Month of Dying The New Yorker, January 15, 1996 P. 64 I. MY DRUG-DEALER WIFE. The narrator’s wife, Angela, when he first met her in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1990, had a fiance in a Switzerland prison. All her friends were drug-dealers and the narrator’s friends used their services. Angela[…]